A tower crane collapsed killing it’s 24 year old crane operator. The story notes that one person on site is already blaming the height of the crane, the length of the jib, and the soft soils. One part of the picture supports him quite well.
Crane Blogger
A mobile crane removing a concrete bridge girder goes over due to soils sluffing off down a hill. The soils are non-native and even though they used matting, you should have some sort of reinforcement to prevent the soils from moving when on a hill like this. (Click on picture to view video.)
A Wolffkran Tower Crane collapsed and appears to have been on a cross base that was surrounded by water.
It’s only a little crane related, but a father makes some fun pancakes for his daughter and made this one of a crane. http://www.jimspancakes.com/ Fun Crane Picture was last modified:…
Here are the 9 winners for The Great Crane Photo Contest. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the contest. We look forward to your submissions again next year.
The story describes the collapse of the boom. The included picture shows a turntable that separated from the mast. You can see the pin holes with no pins in place. I’m wondering where they are.
A tower crane collapsed on the Revel Casino project during high winds. The cranes on the project appear to be Potain 485’s. As of November there were six on site and it is’t clear as to how many are currently on site.
A truck lost control in Pretoria South Africa hitting a tower crane on the side of the highway. It was knocked out of plumb, it’s base damaged, but it still stood.
Tower crane falls from building to kill three in S. China
The accident happened at about 4:10 p.m. when the 30-tonne tower crane fell from the 50th floor of Taishang Building in Dongguan city. The crane broke through three stories in the basement and finally landed, a municipal government spokesman said.
Yesterday two workers died when they fell 50 feet in a elevator car attached to the crane.