Crane AccidentFeatured ArticlesNews Loader crane boom strikes bus written by Ernie Pierini July 16, 2010 A man was killed earlier today and eight others injured when a double decker bus ran into the boom of a loader crane working in the inside lane of the three lane Chai Chee Street. Read More July 16, 2010 Loader crane boom strikes bus was last modified: July 19th, 2010 by Ernie Pierini Crane Accidentcrane industry newsCrane SafetyMobile Crane AccidentSafety 0 comment 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest Ernie Pierini previous post Palm cranes next post Gallic death wish You may also like Natural power July 26, 2010 Wind power still warm for crane and rigging market June 3, 2010 Crane overturns at DC Cathedral September 9, 2011 Company fined $162,169 for crane accident September 24, 2009 Crane overturns in Cairns January 12, 2012 ‘Tractor driver death’ – crane driver cleared July 29, 2011 Boom truck destroys line of cars January 31, 2014 Crane inspector expected to plead guilty to kickbacks scheme March 23, 2010 General Crane, Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection December 11, 2009 Crane goes up in flames July 25, 2013