Photos sent to us by a reader show one of the craziest examples of working at height we have seen for some time.
Standing on the boom has a whole different meaning in this photo
We have no idea when and where this occurred, but the man has managed to climb up onto the boom nose, probably when the boom was close to horizontal and then simply stood on the boom nose as it was elevated and telescoped so that he could reach the roof of what looks like a large industrial building.
Even with the boom telescoped our man needs a long handled brush
He is then using a long handled brush to apply some sort of coating or cleaner, note the bucket hanging from the auxiliary hoist hook!
Author Unknown
Given the fact that the crane has a lattice fly jib available, he’d have been safer if he’d fitted the flyjib and worked from within its lattice structure – also he’d of got to the desired height too without over reaching with that long brush… simple !
Only joking – honestly I’ve seen some dodgy practices in my time but I never even thought that anyone could be this wreckless – absolutely shocking !
Author; Unknown