Among the specifications for each model are: years manufactured, engine requirements, horsepower, tonnage, maximum boom length and weight, plus serial numbers and auction and retail pricing.
business management
22,000 wind turbines divided by 15 years = 1,466 turbines per year.
Lack of rope inspections may have caused a…….
Eagle West Wind Energy Showcased @ CANWEA Show
Eagle West Wind Energy Inc. has as of the flawless completion of the Bear Mountain Wind Farm now installed over 50% of all the wind turbines installed in Western Canada.
For the next three days I will be blogging live from the Canadian Wind Energy Assiciation (CANWEA ) trade show in downtown Toronto.
Copies of KHL’s World Crane Guide can now be bought online at KHL’s new Information Store.
I gave a discount. It’s not the first time I’ve ever done it, it probably won’t be the last time I ever do it. But I teach against it. And I preach against it.
Last week’s article listed answers as to what I am personally doing in response to the economy and my economy.
We feel good about expanding our product lines to include self erecting cranes, city cranes, tower cranes, crane accessories and power generation equipment
For the past 15 years my business (probably like yours) has done nothing but grow. But all of a sudden (probably like yours) it hit a snag.