The UK£ 19.1 million (€ 21.7 million) tower incorporates the five Olympic rings and offers visitors panoramic views of the Olympic Park and London.
customer service
All details notified will be contained in a register that will be open to public scrutiny. Notifications will be subject to an administration fee of £20
City Fined for Ignoring Court Orders in Crane Lawsuit.
The families of the two workers — Donald C. Leo and Ramadan Kurtaj — filed lawsuits against the crane company, its owner, the city’s Buildings Department and others alleging negligence and corruption in connection with a crane that collapsed on East 91st Street in May 2008.
Anger is something you bring on yourself. It’s a deep-rooted emotion, and a dark-rooted emotion that takes a lot of energy, and robs you of your mental strength.
Roadability’ is the word in expanding US all-terrian crane.
All terrain cranes might have been the brainchild of European manufacturers and might still today have a major manufacturing hold in Europe (Germany, specifically), but they’ve crept into the North American market and continue to expand as design needs are met.
Update: Workers lower NYC crane that hit building
There were no injuries reported Saturday after the crane hit a ledge near the top of the mixed-use building on Maiden Lane, three blocks from Wall Street, the Fire Department of New York said. Part of the lower Manhattan building’s facade broke off and fell into the street, police Lt. John Grimpel s
Belgian based international lifting specialist Sarens is launching a 3,250 tonne 120,000 tonne/metre heavy lift crane of its own design, the SGC 120. It can handle a massive 600 tonnes at 100 metres radius.
You probably believe you have the best product or service in the market – now tell me your business card is the BEST you have ever seen. And that your literature is the same: BEST.
Crane Operator’s License Is Suspended
Investigators said Mr. Cosban’s lapse — he did not lower the boom as far as it could go — contributed to the accident but might not have been the sole cause. They said that they were looking into whether mechanical failure was a factor and that they might issue further citations.
A 70 metre truck mount tipped over in the North of Holland yesterday after one of its jacks punched through a concrete yard. The lift, owned by Belgian rental company Maes, was working in a farm yard installing a mobile phone antenna to the top of a silo.