Thus the first self-erecting tower crane came into being and 63 years on, Liebherr has expanded into a 5.5 billion euro group of 100 companies employing over 24,000 people in 29 locations on five continents.
customer service
Health and Safety Minister Lord McKenzie said: “The new register will encourage high standards of safety on site and give the public confidence that these huge machines are being operated responsibly.”
The available working space around the supporting structure of the boiler is very constricted and as a result there is very little room for crawler or telescopic cranes.
The main cab appears more streamlined than previous types with rounded edges, faired-in amber lights on the top corners of the cab and a full undertray type panel underneath.
Don’t tell me you’re away from your desk, I really don’t care where you are
The content covers a range of topics, including introduction to the trade, principles of tower cranes, safety, rigging, load charts, and tower crane operations.
April’s Bauma exhibition in Germany sees the launch of the first model of a new family of Linden Comansa luffing jib tower cranes.
The crane was shown to a small group of employees and dignitaries yesterday after it rolled off of the production line.
Reports say that no one was injured apart from that there are currently no further details and just one very grainy photograph.
The crumpled crane
More information when we receive it.
A serious crane accident in Northern Germany involving the dropping of a large turbine rotor has been reported.
The accident involved a 1,200 tonne Liebherr LTM11200-9.1 erecting a large wind turbine in Hennickendorf in Brandenburg at the end of last week.